Yowkebed Sawrah Yisrael

Your Soul

Welcome to my website! This book of poems are literally from the heart. Upon loosing a special sister, I was emotionally charged with words that filled me causing me to write these words in the manner that I did. In these poems much is revealed from the person who inspired my life for over forty years shaping who I am today. Testimonies of what gripped my soul to make a difference in generations to come.

clips from the book

Restore Your Soul

Oh but woe to those that have lost your soul, for your end is all but knownAs you led into captivity, you will be led into captivityDeath became your song, and soon it will be yours eternally

clips from the book


Oh Love, you make my skin tingleCausing the physical and spiritual to mingle.Love is more than an emotion

Be inspired

My Inspiration

My inspiration is the creator of all things. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. The one who breaths life into your heart, mind and soul. The all Powerful King of kings and Lord of Lords.


Can You See

Open your eyes, remove the vail. The truth is making it's way oh so near. Breath in the aroma of the raindrops on the soul. Walk away from the madness told to all in the fold. knock and the door will be opened but first please find the door.


Perfect You Can Be

Much is said about perfection, especially how unobtainable some believe it is. But many men found perfection as written in the days of old. Seek perfection in all that you do. Your soul will reward you.

Wisdom for the Soul

What is Lost

Knowledge is lost. Real knowledge that can heal the body and soul. Knowledge that will cause your aura to vibrate with joy and peace. Knowledge of the power of morality and integrity. All of this must be restored.

Take The Time

Remember to always take the time you need to be at peace and in harmony with nature and God Almighty. Listen to peaceful music, walk in the sun, breath fresh air and keep the water in your body happy. This will prevent dis-ease in your life. Peace

News Letter


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